publication venue for A novel and efficient kinematic synthesis approach of the spherical 4R function generator for five and six precision points. 44:2020-2037. 2009-01-01 Some improvements on the exact kinematic synthesis of spherical 4R function generators. 44:103-121. 2009-01-01 An improved mobility analysis for spherical 4R linkages. 40:931-947. 2005-01-01 Kinematic design of the RSSR-SC spatial linkage based on rotatability conditions. 40:1126-1144. 2005-01-01 A novel geometrical derivation of the Lie product. 39:1067-1079. 2004-01-01 On the 5R spherical, symmetric manipulator: Workspace and singularity characterization. 39:409-429. 2004-01-01