publication venue for Improved MPSIAC model for soil erosion rate assessment in semiarid zones. 212:-. 2023-01-01 The rolling dung master: An ecosystem engineer beetle mobilizing soil nutrients to enhance plant growth across a grassland management intensity gradient in drylands. 197:-. 2022-01-01 Diet selected by goats on xerophytic shrubland with different milk yield potential. 186:-. 2021-01-01 Complete vivipary behavior detected in the epiphytic Tillandsia recurvata L. (Ball moss) in the Chihuahuan Desert in two continuous years. 174:-. 2020-01-01 Effect of induced warming on survival and growth of Tillandsia recurvata seedlings: A two-year experiment. 179:-. 2020-01-01 Ecohydrological function of vegetation patches in semi-arid shrublands of central Mexico. 168:36-45. 2019-01-01 The importance of dew in the water balance of a continental semiarid grassland. 168:26-35. 2019-01-01 Advantages of vivipary in Echinocactus platyacanthus, an endemic and protected Mexican cactus species. 141:56-59. 2017-01-01 The replacement of arborescent cactus species along a climatic gradient in the southern Chihuahuan Desert: Competitive hierarchies and response to freezing temperatures. 55:583-594. 2003-01-01 Long-term growth rates of cirio (Fouquieria columnaris), a giant succulent of the Sonoran Desert in Baja California. 50:593-611. 2002-01-01 Reproductive biology of Opuntia: A review 2006-01-01